Radiant Colors – Tattoo ink

Radiant Colors – Tattoo ink

Name: Radiant evolved bari green

Category: 10

Date: 2025-02-14

Product Category: Chemical products

Risk Type: Microbiological

Danger: The product is microbiologically contaminated with aerobic bacteria (measured value higher than 3500 CFU/ml). The bacterial contamination poses a risk of infection, particularly as tattoo ink is injected under the skin. The product does not comply with Council of Europe Resolution ResAP(2008)1 and with relevant national legislation.

Measures: Type of economic operator to whom the measure(s) were ordered: ImporterCategory of measure(s): Stop of salesDate of entry into force: 17/12/2024

Description: Green tattoo ink. Product sold online, in particular via radiantcolors.eu.

Notifying Country: Sweden

Country of Origin: United States

Alert Type: Consumer

Alert Level: Serious risk

Radiant Colors - Tattoo ink

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