Advertisement, Publicity, Marketing, Communication, and Consumer Protection

Advertisement ?

Publicity ?

Marketing ?

Communication ?

Is it really our decision every time we decide to buy something? Or is it an induced decision and does our subconscious act? When we purchase a product, are we convinced of its qualities or does the influence of advertising messages captured by our brain from certain publications, television, the internet, cinemas, or street banners come into play? Is there a probability that we act based on these factors and make purchasing decisions based on the impact of the advertising message, even if we often don’t need the respective product? And if that’s the case, whether we’re talking about well-known brands or not, with big or small promotions, how do we choose in front of a shelf with dozens of similar products, differentiated only by attractive packaging designs? Does advertising help us or does it only induce sensations, needs, and the ultimate goal is to purchase a specific product? In this context, is it correct, is it moral?

From the consumer protection point of view, the most important thing is for advertising to be conducted in legal terms, not to involve deceptive advertising. We must ensure that the information we receive is understandable, and in terms of readability, the characters should be equal, there should not be letters that are too small on which our decision-making power depends. It is important for messages to be clear, not to use subliminal techniques or rely on logical reasoning errors, to lead us to have a purchasing behavior based on wrong decisions. In the case of deceptive advertising, messages are conveyed to us that can mislead us in making purchasing decisions.

To read the full article, click HERE .

Sorin Mierlea – President of the InfoCons Association

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