Consumers International : Members , Mission , World Consumer Rights Day – What is Consumers International ?

What is Consumers International ?

Consumers International serves as the global network for consumer groups, uniting over 200 member organizations from over 100 countries. Consumers International vision entails a world where individuals have equal access to secure and sustainable products and services. As the advocates for consumers worldwide, they firmly believe in safeguarding their rights.

They act as the representative voice for consumers in international policy-making arenas and the global marketplace, ensuring their fair and safe treatment. They operate independently, devoid of any influence from commercial enterprises or political parties.

Through collaborative efforts and unwavering dedication, they leverage Consumers International integrity, perseverance, and enthusiasm to yield concrete outcomes and make a meaningful impact.

From its humble beginnings with a small group of founders in 1960, the consumer movement has evolved into a remarkably diverse and influential global network by 2020. Over the past 60 years, numerous collaborative victories and impactful moments have shaped its trajectory. Notable milestones include the adoption of consumer protection guidelines by the United Nations (UN) in 1985, the successful elimination of export subsidies for agricultural products in 2015, and the advocacy efforts that led to the development of international principles on financial consumer protection by the G20.

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With more than 200 member organizations spanning across 100 countries, Consumers International commitment to constructing a robust international movement remains steadfast. This significant milestone allows us to reflect on and celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of the consumer movement. Simultaneously, it serves as an opportunity to underscore the pivotal role of consumers and consumer advocates as they approach 2030.

The year 2020 has proven to be exceptionally challenging thus far, demanding leadership in times of crisis. It has reinforced the critical importance of a united, determined, and passionate movement. Consumer groups, in collaboration with key partners and global leaders, have demonstrated their commitment to driving change towards a safer, fairer, and more sustainable world.

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Looking towards the future, they have engaged consumer leaders from Consumers International Board, Council, and select members worldwide to share their vision and explore the achievements that consumer advocacy will strive for by 2030. Across all regions, sustainability, digitalization, and inclusion have emerged as the top three focal points. These issues will guide Consumers International efforts as they work towards creating a brighter future for consumers worldwide.

What is the mission of Consumers International?

Consumers International primary objective is to ensure the safety, fairness, and honesty in the treatment of consumers worldwide.

In today’s globally interconnected landscape, no single organization can single-handedly bring about the necessary level of change. They firmly believe that the most effective approach to driving change is by convening the right individuals, at the right time, to address the relevant topics.

To achieve this, they collaborate closely with Consumers International members and Consumers International Change Network, consisting of governments, civil society, businesses, and academia. Together, they tackle crucial consumer challenges and seize opportunities in the digital realm more swiftly. Additionally, they exert influence at the highest levels of global decision-making.

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Consumers International strategic focus revolves around empowering consumers to fully benefit from the digital economy and society, all while upholding quality, care, and fair treatment. This is achieved by placing their voices at the core of digital development and ensuring exceptional global consumer protection through specific projects.

What is a consumer ?

Every one of us is a consumer. Whether it’s the essential items they buy on a daily basis or the means by which they communicate with the world through mobile phones or commute to work, consumption is an integral part of Consumers International everyday lives. They engage in consumption in various aspects and at all times.

What are the consumer rights ?

At the heart of Consumers International principles lies the fundamental belief that every individual deserves the right to acquire safe and reliable products and receive high-quality services. Moreover, it is crucial that they are treated equitably and provided with effective resolutions in case of any mishaps.

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This belief extends far beyond securing a favorable deal on a new car. It encompasses the essential requisites for sustaining life, such as access to nourishment, shelter, and clean drinking water. It involves ensuring that your newly purchased television does not malfunction within a mere three months, that your vehicle incorporates safety features and advanced technology, and that the personal data collected by companies online remains secure and safeguarded against theft or loss. On occasions, exercising Consumers International consumer rights can even be a matter of life or death. Sadly, in numerous countries, the realization of these rights still remains a distant goal.

World Consumer Rights Day

Every year on the 15th of March, the consumer movement observes World Consumer Rights Day. This significant occasion serves as a platform to raise global consciousness regarding consumer rights and needs. By commemorating this day, they seize the opportunity to advocate for the respect and protection of the rights of all consumers. It is also a moment to voice Consumers International opposition against market exploitations and social injustices that undermine these rights.

World Consumer Rights Day enjoys global recognition and is supported by esteemed entities such as the United Nations and other international stakeholders. For four decades, Consumers International has led the campaign, uniting the consumer movement in collective celebration. Each year, campaign topics are selected in collaboration with Consumers International Members, with the aim of mobilizing global action on urgent issues that directly impact consumers.

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Consumers International is dedicated to creating a world where every individual has access to products and services that are both safe and sustainable. However, the reality is that numerous countries are lagging behind, lacking adequate consumer protections.

To address this issue, Consumers International collaborates with a diverse range of stakeholders, including Consumers International Members, governments, international organizations, civil society, and others. Together, they strive to establish the highest standard of consumer protection measures at both national and international levels.

In recent years, they have undertaken various initiatives. They have worked towards updating the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection, influencing international standards in crucial areas such as energy services, water and sanitation, and mobile banking. They have also obtained endorsement from the United Nations in support of World Consumer Rights Day on the 15th of March, which serves as a platform to champion consumer rights on critical advocacy issues. Additionally, they have shed light on the state of consumer protection and empowerment globally through innovative tools like our Consumer Protection and Empowerment Index. These tools allow us to identify gaps and areas where trust can be built for consumers worldwide.

By fostering collaboration and leveraging the collective strength of Consumers International global membership, they can effectively safeguard the interests of consumers for many years to come.

How can I become a member of Consumers International ?

Consumers International serves as the premier membership organization for consumer groups worldwide.

They collaborate closely with a diverse array of dedicated partners and members, collectively striving to effect transformative change in the global marketplace—an endeavor that would be challenging for individual members to accomplish on their own.

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Every day, Consumers International members, in collaboration with consumers, bring about significant enhancements that positively impact lives across the globe. Many of these members have long served as trusted and prominent national advocates, driving remarkable improvements in people’s lives. Consumers International greatest asset lies in the extensive reach and diversity of Consumers International membership, with whom they engage in coordinated campaigns and international advocacy efforts.

Source : Consumers International

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