Mr Sorin Mierlea, President of InfoCons, is participating today as a speaker at the International Summit on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

Mr Sorin Mierlea, President of InfoCons, is participating today as a speaker at the International Summit on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights

Following earlier editions in London (2014), Berlin (2017), Paris (2019) and Stockholm – online (2021), the fifth International IP Enforcement Summit will take place on 14 and 15 June 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The summit will bring together key European and international decision-makers, law enforcement authorities, multinational companies, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), consumer representatives, and other relevant players to discuss ways to improve protection and enforcement of IP rights in the EU and around the globe.

The summit will focus on how innovative solutions and further cooperation can best tackle IP crime in the context of the European Multidisciplinary Platform Against Criminal Threats (EMPACT). It will also be an opportunity to continue the discussion about the EU Toolbox against counterfeiting, building on, in particular, the Digital Services Act.

The event will take place at the National Palace of Culture in Sofía, Bulgaria.

Mariya Gabriel Vice-Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bulgaria
Kalin Stoyanov Minister of Internal Affairs, Bulgaria
Dharmesh Mehta Vice President, Worldwide Selling Partner Services, Amazon
Brandon Blacoe CEO, ByoWave
Juan Manuel Perán Bazán Executive President, Pikolinos
Ernesto Bianchi Director, Revenue and International Operations, Investigations & Strategy, European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
James Mancuso Director, US National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center
Delphine Sarfati-Sobreira CEO, UNIFAB
Bogdan Ciinaru Head of Office, Analysis Project Copy Online, Europol
Gabriel Tsekov Driver of EMPACT IP Crime, Counterfeiting of Goods and Currencies, Ministry of Interior, Bulgaria
Harrie Temmink Head of Service, Observatory, EUIPO
Christoph Baert Regulatory Affairs Counsel, Mastercard Europe
Elizabeth Kendall Global Head of Media and Intellectual Property Policy, Meta
Jan de Visser Senior Director, Philips Intellectual Property & Standards
Ida Dojcinovic Legal and policy officer, DG CNCT, European Commission
Carlos Castro Head of Intellectual Property, Legal Affairs Department, International Olympic Committee (IOC)
Mark Lichtenhein Chairman, Sports Rights Owners Coalition (SROC)
Grégoire Polad Director General, Association of Commercial Television and Video on Demand Services in Europe (ACT)
Virginie Fossoul Legal and Policy Officer, DG GROW, European Commission
Ole Henrik Antonsen Chair, Norwegian Society of Composers and Lyricists (NOPA) and Board Member of the European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA)
Alexandru Caciuloiu Deputy Head, Training and Research Unit, European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL)
Sorin Mierlea President, InfoCons , Romania
Andrea Szabó Head of Department, National University of Public Service, Hungary
Axel Voss Member of the European Parliament
May Berthelot Senior Director of Anti-Counterfeit, Vinted
Jean-Paul Forceville Director, European and International Relations, La Poste Group
Mariusz Koter Deputy Director, International Relations of the National Revenue Administration Department, Ministry of Finance, Poland
Léo Longauer Brand Protection Director, LVMH
Claudia Martínez-Félix Deputy Head of Unit, DG GROW, European Commission
Helga Pizzuto Chairperson, Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority
Daren Tang Director General, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

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