Today, April 18, 2024, InfoCons represented by President Sorin Mierlea participates on IP in the Digital World Working Group Meeting the Observatory – European Office for Intellectual Property – EUIPO held in Alicante, Spain.
The agenda of the IP in the Digital World Working Group Meeting can be consulted HERE.
Today will be discuss :
- The EUIPO will give a short update on IP-relevant developments on domain names including the last ICANN79 meeting. Participants will be invited to comment on the outcome. The debrief includes the results of the informal consultation of Observatory stakeholders ahead of the ICANN79 meeting, aiming to support the European Commission with an IP position on ICANN matters (summary distributed to the IPDW members);
- The EUIPO will briefly update on the draft Voluntary Guidelines for Countering Illicit Trade in Counterfeit Goods on Online Marketplaces. The draft guidelines were developed by an informal expert group from OECD Member States and the private sector. They were presented at the first plenary meeting of the OECD Working Party on Countering Illicit Trade (4-5 April, Paris).
Starting with March 2022 – the month dedicated to consumer protection (March 15 – World Consumer Rights Day), InfoCons represents Romania, being a member on behalf of civil societies in the Working Group dedicated to Public Awareness within the Observatory – European Intellectual Property Office.
At the national level, InfoCons has been a member since 2006 in the Working Group on Intellectual Property Issues under the coordination of the Prosecutor’s Office near the High Court of Cassation and Justice.