At the 35th General Assembly of ANEC: The European Consumer in Standardization Voice , the President of InfoCons , Mr. Sorin Mierlea , had a discussion with the President of ANEC , Mr. Dermott Jewell, regarding the Global Consumer Protection App – InfoCons .
The Global InfoCons App is a useful and free tool available in 33 languages, providing consumers with numerous pieces of information such as:
- Scanning barcodes of food products to find out ingredients, the number and type of food additives, allergens, sugar content, salt, and calories;
- Scanning QR codes on energy labels of household appliances and electronic devices;
- All useful and emergency numbers at an international level;
- Alerts for food and non-food products.
ANEC’s mission is to raise standards for European consumers through the work of the ANEC members, experts and Secretariat, in order to achieve optimal levels of consumer protection, welfare and sustainability . InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , represents Romania in ANEC : The European consumer voice in standardization since 2012 .
The ANEC General Assembly is taking place from June 11-12 in Brussels, Belgium . The General Assembly meetings include various presentations on important topics such as details of recent activities, inclusion, regulations, public consultations, and future perspectives.
InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , a full member of the World Organization Consumers International, founding member of the Federation of Consumer Associations, and member of ANEC .