The Scotland / Scotland – Hungary / Magyarország game is played in Stuttgart – InfoCons informs you in Germany !

The match between Scotland and Hungary , part of the 2024 European Football Championship , takes place today , June 23 , 2024 , starting at 21:00 ( Germany time , UTC +2 )  . This match is one of the two matches from Group A held tonight and it is played on Stuttgart Arena ( Mercedes-Benz Arena ) in Stuttgart , Germany . The stadium , located at Mercedesstraße 87 , has a capacity of 54,000 people .

To inform participants of the match between Slovenia and Denmark , InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies has developed the Consumer Protection – InfoCons Guide for participants at the 2024 European Football Championship ( UEFA Euro 2024 ) .

The guide contains information regarding travel and access rules for the SloveniaDenmark match , local emergency numbers ( in case consumers encounter any problems during their participation in the 2024 European Football Championship match ) , the location of the stadium , and many other useful details, available in the European InfoCons App .

For more information, the Consumer Protection – InfoCons Guide for Participants at the 2024 European Football Championship (UEFA Euro 2024) can be accessed HERE .


InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , a full member of the World Organization Consumers International , founding member of the Federation of Consumer Associations , and member of ANEC .

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