Necessary Documents for Minors Traveling Abroad



Traveling abroad for minors is strictly regulated by Romanian legislation to ensure the safety and well-being of children. Generally, minors (persons under 18) who wish to leave the country need a series of essential documents, whether they are accompanied by parents, legal guardians, or traveling alone. Here are these documents:

Passport or Identity Card

Passport: For travels outside the European Union, minors need a passport. This can be a regular electronic passport or a temporary passport.
Identity Card: For travels within the European Union, minors over 14 years old can travel with an identity card.
Birth Certificate

Birth Certificate: This document is necessary to prove the minor’s identity and age. In some cases, it may also be required to obtain other documents.
Notarial Parental Consent

Parental Consent: If the minor is traveling with one parent, a legal guardian, or another person, notarial consent from the other parent or both parents, as applicable, is required. The consent must specify the destination, period, and purpose of the trip.
Exception: If one of the parents is deceased or if there is a court decision granting sole parental rights to one parent, then the consent of the other parent is not required, but supporting documents (death certificate, court decision) must be presented.
Court Decision

Court Decision: In cases where parents are divorced and there is a court decision regarding custody, this must be presented to prove who has the legal right to decide on the minor’s travel.
Legal Guardian’s Declaration of Consent

Guardian’s Declaration: If the minor is under guardianship, a notarial declaration from the legal guardian, similar to the parental consent, specifying the same travel details is required.
Other Documents

Additional Documents: Depending on the destination and specific requirements of the respective country, other documents such as visas, travel insurance, or medical certificates may be needed.
Recommendations and Procedures
Advance Planning: It is essential to start preparing for obtaining the necessary documents well in advance of the trip to avoid any delays or problems.
Consulting Authorities: Check the official websites of relevant authorities (border police, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) for updated information and additional specifications regarding the required documents.
Legalization and Translation: In some cases, documents need to be legalized and/or translated into the official language of the destination country.
Traveling abroad for minors involves careful preparation and strict adherence to legal regulations to ensure their safety. It is the responsibility of parents or legal guardians to ensure that all necessary documents are in order and to be prepared for any eventuality. By following these steps and ensuring you have all the required documents, you can be confident that the minor will be able to travel without any issues.

What Parents Need to Consider if Minors Want to Travel Alone
Unaccompanied minors traveling abroad require a series of additional measures and preparations to ensure their safety and comfort. Parents must be extremely attentive to the necessary documents, travel procedures, and ensuring that the minors are prepared for the experience of traveling alone. Here is what parents need to consider:

Necessary Documents

Passport: Minors need a valid passport to travel abroad. Ensure that the passport is up-to-date and will not expire during the trip.
Birth Certificate: It is important to have a copy of the minor’s birth certificate for any verifications.
Notarial Parental Consent: If the minor is traveling alone, a notarial parental consent from both parents or the parent with custody is mandatory, specifying the travel details (destination, period, purpose).
Court Decision: If the parents are divorced and there is a court decision regarding custody, this must be presented to prove who has the legal right to decide on the minor’s travel.
Preparation for Travel

Information and Education: Discuss the travel details with the child, including the itinerary, control points, what to do in an emergency, and how to seek help. Ensure they understand all instructions and behavior rules.
Emergency Contacts: Provide the child with a list of emergency contact numbers, including parents, relatives in the destination country (if applicable), and the Romanian embassy or consulate in the destination country.
Travel Insurance: Purchase travel insurance that covers potential medical issues, lost luggage, or other incidents that might occur.
Choosing Transportation

Airlines: Many airlines offer special services for unaccompanied minors, including assistance during the trip, priority boarding, and supervision until handover to the designated person at the destination. Check the airline’s policies and book the service in advance.
Ground Transport: If the minor is traveling by train or bus, check the policies of the transport operators and, if available, opt for the unaccompanied minor assistance services.
Arrangements at Destination

Contact Person at Destination: Ensure there is a trusted person waiting for the child at the destination. They should have a copy of the parental consent and other relevant documents.
Accommodation and Safety: Ensure the place where the minor will stay is safe and suitable. If they will be staying with relatives, friends, or at a camp, check the conditions and rules of the respective place in advance.
Continuous Communication

Communication Means: Provide the child with a mobile phone with sufficient credit and international functionality to maintain contact at any time.
Communication Plan: Establish a clear communication plan, including times when the child must call or send messages to confirm their safety.
Health Conditions

Medications and Allergies: If the minor needs medications, ensure they have the necessary amount and accompanying documentation. Inform responsible persons about any allergies or medical conditions.
Medical Check-up: A medical check-up before the trip is recommended to ensure the minor is healthy and fit for travel.
Traveling as an unaccompanied minor requires careful planning and adherence to strict regulations to guarantee the child’s safety and comfort. Parents must be well-informed and prepared to handle any unforeseen situations, ensuring a pleasant and safe experience for their child. By following these tips and measures, you can trust that the minor will travel safely and have a positive experience.

Source: MAE

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