E224 Potassium Metabisulphite

What is the Food Additive E224 ?

E224, also known as Potassium Metabisulphte, is food additive, a chemical compound commonly used as a preservative, antioxidant, and disinfectant. This compound has a variety of applications in different industries, particularly in food and beverage production, winemaking, and water treatment. E224 has the chemical composition K2S2O5.

Potassium Metabisulphite is a white crystalline powder that easily dissolves in water. When dissolved, it releases sulfur dioxide (SO2), a powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant agent. This property makes E224 extremely effective in preserving the freshness and quality of various products.

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What is the Recommended Daily Dose ?

Although E224 is generally recognized as safe by regulatory authorities such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), it is essential to use it within recommended limits.

The maximum recommended daily dose has been set at 0.7 mg/kg body weight/day. It is crucial for manufacturers to adhere to these guidelines to prevent potential health risks.

In Which Products Can E224 Be Found? InfoCons Consumer Protection Informs You !

Food and Beverage Industry:

  • Preservative: E224 is widely used to preserve the color, flavor, and freshness of food products. It prevents the growth of bacteria, mold, and yeast, thereby extending shelf life.
  • Antioxidant: By inhibiting oxidative reactions, E224 helps maintain the quality of food products, preventing spoilage and rancidity.
  • Winemaking: One of the most notable applications of E224 is in winemaking. It acts as a preservative and antioxidant, preventing unwanted fermentation and oxidation, thus ensuring the wine’s stability and longevity.

Water Treatment:

  • Disinfection: E224 is used in water treatment processes to remove chlorine and chloramine from drinking water, making it safe for consumption.

Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics:

  • E224 is also used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries to prevent oxidation and microbial contamination, thereby enhancing the stability and shelf life of products.

Do You Know Which Products Contain the Food Additive E223 ? InfoCons Consumer Protection Informs You !

Contraindications and Risks

Excessive consumption of sulfites, including E224, can cause adverse reactions in sensitive individuals, particularly those with asthma or sulfite sensitivity. Symptoms may include headaches, respiratory issues, and gastrointestinal discomfort.

While it offers significant benefits in terms of extending shelf life and maintaining food quality, it is crucial to be aware of its potential health risks, especially for those sensitive to sulfites, considering the potential allergic reactions associated with its use.


E224, or Potassium Metabisulphite, plays a vital role in maintaining the quality and extending the shelf life of various products, especially in the food and beverage industry. Its effectiveness as a preservative, antioxidant, and disinfectant makes it an invaluable compound in modern production processes.

Understanding the properties and applications of E224 can help consumers and manufacturers make informed decisions about its use and benefits.

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Author – Cosmina Nițu

Master in Nutrition – Infant and new born nutrition


https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/ – European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

InfoCons – European Organization for Consumers Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , a full member of the World Organization Consumers International, founding member of the Federation of Consumer Associations, and member of ANEC.

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