HENSON&CO – Cleaning lotion

HENSON&CO – Cleaning lotion

Name: Lotion nettoyante pour Cuirs et Matières Synthétiques

Category: 10

Date: 2024-11-22

Product Category: Chemical products

Risk Type: Chemical

Danger: The product contains methylisothiazolinone (MI) (measured value: 0.00030 % by weight) but this is not mentioned on the label. MI may cause an allergic skin reaction. The product does not comply with the Regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP).

Measures: Type of economic operator taking notified measure(s): DistributorCategory of measure(s): Marking the product with appropriate warnings on the risksDate of entry into force: UnknownType of economic operator taking notified measure(s): DistributorCategory of measure(s): Withdrawal of the product from the marketDate of entry into force: 15/04/2024

Description: Cleaning lotion for leather and synthetic materials – stain remover, 100 ml.

Notifying Country: France

Country of Origin: Italy

Alert Type: Consumer

Alert Level: Other risk levels

HENSON&CO - Cleaning lotion

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