Pat McGrath Labs – Lip pencil

Pat McGrath Labs – Lip pencil

Name: PermaGel Ultra

Category: 10

Date: 2024-12-20

Product Category: Cosmetics

Risk Type: Chemical

Danger: The product contains the substance perfluorononyl dimethicone. Perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) can cause developmental and reproductive toxic effects and are carcinogenic. The product does not comply with the POPs Regulation nor with the REACH Regulation.

Measures: Type of economic operator to whom the measure(s) were ordered: DistributorCategory of measure(s): Withdrawal of the product from the marketDate of entry into force: 08/07/2024

Description: Lip pencil, 1.2 g. Product sold online, in particular via

Notifying Country: Luxembourg

Country of Origin: United States

Alert Type: Consumer

Alert Level: Serious risk

Pat McGrath Labs - Lip pencilPat McGrath Labs - Lip pencilPat McGrath Labs - Lip pencilPat McGrath Labs - Lip pencil

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