InfoCons Consumers Protection informs you – 5 Key Insights Into Nuclear Power Production in the EU

InfoCons 5 Key Insights Into Nuclear Power Production in the EU in 2023

Nuclear energy remains a significant source of electricity in the European Union, providing a stable and low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels. In 2023, nuclear power production saw a modest increase, primarily driven by improvements in reactor maintenance and operational efficiency. Despite Germany’s complete phase-out of nuclear energy, several EU countries continue to rely heavily on this energy source.

This article explores the latest trends in nuclear power generation across the EU, the countries leading production, and the overall role of nuclear energy in the region’s electricity supply.

  1. Nuclear Power Production Rose Slightly in 2023

In 2023, nuclear power plants in 13 EU countries collectively generated 619,601 gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity. This marked a 1.7% increase compared to 2022, with the main driver being France’s successful completion of maintenance work on its reactors.

Despite this growth, nuclear power accounted for 22.8% of the EU’s total electricity production, reinforcing its role as a key but gradually evolving energy source in the region.

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  1. France Remains the EU’s Largest Nuclear Power Producer

France continued to dominate nuclear electricity generation in 2023, producing a staggering 338,202 GWh, which represented 54.6% of all nuclear power generated in the EU. Other leading producers included:

  • Spain58,873 GWh (9.2% of the EU’s nuclear power)
  • Sweden48,470 GWh (7.8%)
  • Finland34,308 GWh (5.5%)

These four countries collectively accounted for over three-quarters of the EU’s nuclear electricity production.

  1. Germany’s Nuclear Exit Marked a Historic Shift

Germany, once a major nuclear energy producer, fully terminated nuclear power production in April 2023. However, before the phase-out was completed, the country still managed to generate 7,216 GWh in the early months of the year.

This decision marked the final step in Germany’s long-term strategy to move away from nuclear power, a policy shift that had been in motion for over a decade. Up until 2021, Germany was the second-largest nuclear energy producer in the EU.

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  1. The Most Nuclear-Reliant Countries in the EU

While some countries are moving away from nuclear energy, others remain heavily dependent on it. In 2023, the countries with the highest share of nuclear electricity in their total energy mix were:

  • France65.0% of all electricity generated came from nuclear power
  • Slovakia62.0% of total electricity was nuclear-generated

By contrast, nuclear energy played a much smaller role in some EU countries:

  • Germany – Only 1.4% of total electricity was from nuclear (before the phase-out)
  • Netherlands – Nuclear accounted for just 3.3% of total electricity production

These figures highlight the vast differences in nuclear energy dependency across the EU.

  1. What’s Next for Nuclear Energy in the EU?

The future of nuclear power in Europe remains a topic of debate. While some countries, like France and Slovakia, continue to invest in nuclear technology, others, such as Germany, have completely phased it out.

With the EU’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions, nuclear energy may continue to play a crucial role in ensuring energy security and meeting climate goals. However, the extent of its future contribution will depend on factors such as public perception, policy decisions, and technological advancements in nuclear safety and waste management.

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The Role of Nuclear Power in a Changing Energy Landscape

Nuclear power remains a significant, yet controversial energy source in the European Union. While 2023 saw a slight increase in production, the future of nuclear energy in Europe remains uncertain as some nations expand their nuclear programs while others phase them out.

As the EU transitions toward a greener energy mix, the debate over nuclear power’s role in sustainability and energy independence will continue. Regardless of its future, nuclear energy will remain a key part of Europe’s energy discussions for years to come.


Source : Eurostat


InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , a full member of the World Organization Consumers International , founding member of the Federation of Consumer Associations , and member of ANEC .

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