InfoCons conducted a study on the preventive actions aimed at combating the trade of counterfeit products at the level of County Police Inspectorates in Romania for the year 2023.
Based on the centralized information received, the situation is as follows:
1. Number of Preventive Actions to Combat Counterfeit Product Trade Conducted:
- A total of 536 preventive actions were conducted in 2023 to combat the trade of counterfeit products.
- The average number of preventive actions conducted in 2023 was 13.
Read also : Anti – Counterfeiting Technology guide

2. Number of Identified Cases of Suspected Counterfeit Product Trade Offenses:
- A total of 1061 cases of suspected counterfeit product trade offenses were identified in 2023.
- The average number of identified cases in 2023 was 27.

3. Number of Suspected Counterfeit Products Confirmed as Counterfeit :
- A total of 1401 suspected counterfeit products were confirmed as counterfeit in 2023. Some cases were investigated starting in 2022, with resolutions issued in 2023.
- The Maramureș County Police Inspectorate confirmed 620 cases of suspected counterfeit products.
- The Galați County Police Inspectorate confirmed 1 case of a suspected counterfeit product.
- The average number of confirmed cases in 2023 was 38.
- A total of 1401 suspected counterfeit products were confirmed as counterfeit in 2023. Some cases were investigated starting in 2022, with resolutions issued in 2023.
Read also : The negative impact of counterfeiting and piracy on sports

4. Situation Regarding the Types of Products Involved in Counterfeiting Cases and the Quantity of Products Seized by Category:
- Food products: 1,501,770 pieces
- Cosmetics and detergents: 113,836 pieces
- Clothing, footwear, and accessories: 87,704 pieces
- Clothing: 79,335 pieces
- Industrial products: 74,062 pieces
- Footwear: 33,879 pieces
- Clothing and footwear: 17,133 pieces
- Mobile phone accessories: 8,860 pieces
- Perfume products: 5,988 pieces + 40,000 ml
- Cosmetics: 4,758 pieces
- Detergents: 4,591 pieces + 5.5 tons + 561 liters + 276 kg
- Household appliances: 3,420 pieces
- Children’s products (toys, games): 3,092 pieces
- Footwear and perfume products: 1,260 pieces
- Accessories (bags, belts, etc.): 539 pieces
- Ceramic items: 411 pieces
- Detergents and personal care products: 300 pieces
- Leather goods: 49 pieces
- Coffee: 38 pieces + 13 kg
- Electrical products: 37 pieces
- Mobile phones: 28 pieces
- Household appliances and electrical products: 3 pieces
- Smartwatches: 1 piece
Read also : What Should We Know About Counterfeit Medicines?
5. Number of Registered Counterfeiting Criminal Cases:
- A total of 1175 criminal cases for counterfeiting were registered in 2023.

6. Number of Finalized and Ongoing Registered Counterfeiting Criminal Cases:
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InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , a full member of the World Organization Consumers International, founding member of the Federation of Consumer Associations, and member of ANEC .