Every year on October 3rd, German citizens come together to celebrate the German Unity Day, a national holiday that commemorates the country’s reunification. This day marks the moment when East and West Germany were officially united after decades of division.
On this occasion, InfoCons offers German citizens the Free European InfoCons App . This app is designed for all German-speaking communities across Europe, ensuring that all citizens are aware of their rights and are informed directly in their native language — German.
The European InfoCons App informs consumers in Germany
The European InfoCons App is a useful and free tool that can be used in German or any of the 33 languages in which it is available and can be downloaded from the following stores : App Store, Google Play, and App Gallery . The app provides users with vital information directly in German, including:
- Scanning product barcodes to learn about ingredients , the number and type of food additives , allergens , and the amount of sugar , salt , and calories ;
- Scanning QR codes on energy labels of appliances and other electronic devices ;
- Customizing the app for those with certain health issues and special dietary needs by setting limits for salt, sugar, allergens, and specific types and numbers of additives ;
- Access to all emergency numbers in Germany and at the European Union level;
- Real-time emergency alerts for food and non-food products;
- A terminology dictionary in consumer protection , environment, banking and finance, labor, insurance, energy, etc.;
- 3 free personalized QR codes through which the scanning traffic of the generated QR codes can be monitored and more.
InfoCons – Consumer Protection informs you in Germany
- Notrufnummer Deutschland / Emergencies Germany – 112
- Krankenwagen Deutschland / Ambulance Germany –112 / 141
- Verbraucherschutz Deutschland / Consumer protection Germany – 258000
- Feuerwehr Deutschland / Fire brigade Germany – 112 / 122
- Polizei Deutschland / Police Germany – 110
- Artzlicher bereitschaftsdienst Deutschland / Medical on-call service Germany – 116117
- Stadtwerke – Gas Deutschland / Public utilities – gas Germany – 128
- Gift-Notruf Deutschland / Poison emergency number Germany – 030 19 240
- Krisendienst Kinderschutz der Berliner Jugendämter Deutschland / Crisis service child protection of the Berlin youth welfare Germany – (030) 90291-5555
- Kindernotdienst Deutschland / Child emergency service Germany – (030) 610061
- Jugendnotdienst Deutschland / Youth emergency service Germany – (030) 610062
- Mädchennotdienst Deutschland / Girls emergency service Germany – (030) 610063
- Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle Deutschland / Contact and Advice Center Germany – (030) 61006800
- Telefonische Notapotheken Deutschland / Telephone emergency pharmacy information Germany – (0800) 0022833
- Telefonische Notapotheken Deutschland / Telephone emergency pharmacy information Germany – 22833
- Ärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst Deutschland / Medical on-call service Germany – 116117
- Zahnärztlicher Notfalldiens Deutschland / Dental emergency service Germany – (030) 89004333
- Krankentransport Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Berlin Deutschland / Ambulance transport German Red Cross Berlin Germany – (030) 19727
- Sucht & Drogen Hotline bundesweit Deutschland / Nationwide addiction & drug hotline Germany – (01806) 313031
- Drogennotdienst Deutschland / Drug emergency service Germany – (030) 19237
- EC-/Maestro-Karten oder Kreditkarten sperren lassen, Sperr-Notruf Deutschland / Have EC/Maestro cards or credit cards blocked, blocking emergency Germany – 116 116
- Zentraler Hebammenruf Deutschland / Central midwife call Germany – (030) 2142771
- Telefonseelsorge Berlin-Brandenburg Deutschland / Telephone counseling Berlin-Brandenburg Germany – (0800) 1110111
- Entstörungsdienst für Gas-Störungen/Gasgeruch Deutschland / Troubleshooting service for gas faults/gas smell Germany – (030) 787272
- VATTENFALL Störungsmanagement Strom Deutschland / VATTENFALL electricity fault management Germany – (0800) 2112525
- Störungsnummer Öffentliche Beleuchtung Deutschland / Fault number for public lighting Germany – (0800) 1102010
- Zentrales Fundbüro des Landes Berlin Deutschland / Central Lost and Found Office of the State of Berlin Germany – (030) 902773101
- Fundbüro Deutsche Bahn AG und S-Bahn Berlin Deutschland / Lost property office Deutsche Bahn AG and S-Bahn Berlin Germany – (030) 586020909
- Krisendienst Berlin Deutschland / Crisis service Berlin Germany – (030) 39063-70
German Unity Day Meaning
On September 29, 1990, the People’s Parliament of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) enacted a historic decision, leading to the incorporation of the GDR under the jurisdiction of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. A week later, East Germany officially became part of the Federal Republic. Since then, October 3rd has been celebrated as the Day of German Unity.
The Berlin Wall, which had divided East and West Berlin for 28 years, fell on November 9, 1989, following months of citizen protests in the GDR. This period of peaceful demonstrations, now known as the peaceful revolution, paved the way for German reunification less than a year later.
German Unity Day 2024
Each year, a different city and federal state are chosen to host the Day of German Unity festivities. In 2024, Schwerin, the capital of Mecklenburg – Vorpommern —the least populous of Germany’s 16 states — will be hosting the 34th anniversary celebrations. The theme for the event is “Setting sail as one: strengthening democracy and diversity together.”
On the occasion of the Unity Day of Germany, InfoCons extends its warmest wishes for health, joy, and prosperity to all German citizens! Happy Unity Day Germany , with a new attitude!
InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , a full member of the World Organization Consumers International , founding member of the Federation of Consumer Associations , and member of ANEC .