Every year on March 20, the world celebrates the International Day of La Francophonie, a tribute to the richness of the French language and the global community that shares it. This day also marks French Language Day at the United Nations and commemorates the founding of the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF) in 1970.
On this occasion, InfoCons provides French citizens with the European InfoCons App. The European InfoCons App is designed for all French-speaking communities and French citizens to ensure that all consumers are aware of their rights and are informed directly in their mother tongue, namely French .
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The European InfoCons App informs consumers in France
European InfoCons App is a useful and free tool that can be used in French or any of the 33 languages in which it is available and can be downloaded from the following stores: App Store, Google Play, and App Gallery . The app provides users with vital information directly in French, including:
- Scanning product barcodes to learn about ingredients , the number and type of food additives , allergens , and the amount of sugar , salt , and calories ;
- Scanning QR codes on energy labels of appliances and other electronic devices ;
- Customizing the app for those with certain health issues and special dietary needs by setting limits for salt, sugar, allergens, and specific types and numbers of additives ;
- Access to all emergency numbers in France, and at the European Union level ;
- Real-time emergency alerts for food and non-food products;
- A terminology dictionary in consumer protection , environment, banking and finance, labor, insurance, energy, etc.;
- 3 free personalized QR codes through which the scanning traffic of the generated QR codes can be monitored and more.
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InfoCons – Consumer Protection informs you in France
Through both the European InfoCons App and the Consumers Protection project platform, InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection provides all French citizens or those traveling in France with useful and emergency phone numbers:
- Emergencies France – 112
- Ambulance France – 15
- Consumer protection France – 0809 540 550
- Fire brigade France – 18
- Police France – 17
- Emergency number for hearing impaired people France – 114
- Attack alert – Kidnapping alert France – 197
- Samu social France – 115
- Childhood in danger France – 119
- Let’s stop the violence France – 39 19
- Net Ecoute – Cyberharassment of young people France – 30 18
- Suicide prevention France – 31 14
- France victims France – 116 006
- Unique right access number France – 30 39
- Stop-jihadism France – 0 800 00 56 96
- Scam Info France – 0 805 80 58 17
- On-Call Pharmacy France – 32 37
- Rescue at sea France – 196
- Aviation emergency France -191
- SNCF and RATP France – 31 17
- Alcohol info services France – 09 80 98 09 30
- Gas France – 0 800 47 33 33
- Drugs info services France – 0 800 23 13 13
- Players info services France – 09 74 75 13 13
- Tobacco info services France – 39 89
- Alcohol info services France – 09 80 98 09 30
To download the emergency numbers plaque for France , click HERE .
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On the occasion of the International Day of La Francophonie, InfoCons extends its warmest wishes of health, joy, and prosperity to all French speakers, with a new attitude!
InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , a full member of the World Organization Consumers International , founding member of the Federation of Consumer Associations , and member of ANEC .