
What Clothes Should We Wear in Summer?
    Summer is the perfect season to enjoy the sun, beach, and outdoor activities. Choosing the right clothes can help us feel comfortable, look stylish, and protect ourselves from excessive heat. Here are some tips on what…
E234 Nisin
What is Food Additive E234 ? E234, known as nisin, is a natural antimicrobial peptide produced by certain strains of the bacterium Lactococcus lactis. As an additive, it plays a crucial role in food preservation, especially in dairy…
What are Food Additives ?
The term itself conjures images of mysterious chemicals lurking in our favorite foods, silently wreaking havoc on our health. But the reality is much more complex. Understanding their role in our food system is crucial for making informed…
E228 Potassium Bisulphite
What is Food Additive E228 ? E228, also known as potassium hydrogen sulphite or potassium bisulphite, is a chemical compound widely used in the food industry. As a preservative, it plays a crucial role in extending the shelf…
How to Avoid Illnesses Due to Extreme Temperatures?
  Extreme temperatures, whether scorching heat or freezing cold, can significantly impact our health. Prolonged exposure to such weather conditions can lead to discomfort and more severe health problems. In this article, we will explore effective methods to…
What to Do If You Have Been Scammed
    În era digitală, escrocheriile și fraudele online sunt din ce în ce mai frecvente, afectând milioane de oameni din întreaga lume. Dacă ați căzut victimă unei astfel de înșelătorii, este esențial să acționați prompt și să…
E226 calcium sulphite
What is Food Additive E226 ? E226, also known as calcium sulphite, is a food additive commonly used in the food industry. As a preservative, it plays a significant role in extending the shelf life of various food…
How to Treat Sunburn?
  Arsurile solare sunt o problemă comună, mai ales în timpul verii, când petrecem mai mult timp în aer liber. Expunerea excesivă la razele ultraviolete (UV) ale soarelui poate provoca roșeață, durere și, în cazuri severe, vezicule și…
E224 Potassium Metabisulphite
What is the Food Additive E224 ? E224, also known as Potassium Metabisulphte, is food additive, a chemical compound commonly used as a preservative, antioxidant, and disinfectant. This compound has a variety of applications in different industries, particularly…
E223 Sodium Metabisulphite
What is Food Additive E223 ? E223, or sodium metabisulphite, is a chemical compound with the formula Na2S2O5. It appears as a white or yellowish crystalline powder and has a distinct sulfur odor. When dissolved in water, it…
Useful Tips for Developing Your Business
    Developing a business can be a challenge, but also an opportunity to grow and achieve new levels of success. Whether you are just starting out or already have a stable business, there are several key tips…
The National Day of France with a new attitude !
Every year , on July 14th , France’s National Day is celebrated . This holiday is also known as Bastille Day because the date represents the storming of the Bastille in 1789. On this occasion, InfoCons provides French…
What to Do If Your Banking Data Is Stolen?
  In a digital era where banking transactions and online payments are commonplace, safeguarding personal and banking data is crucial. However, inevitable risks exist, and some situations may lead to compromise of this sensitive information. Here’s what you…
What to Pack When Traveling in the EU
    Traveling within the European Union offers fantastic opportunities to explore diverse cultures, stunning landscapes, and historic cities. Properly preparing your luggage can make the difference between an enjoyable and a stressful vacation. Here’s a detailed list…
E222 – Sodium bisulfite
What is Food Additive E222 ? E222, also known as sodium bisulfite, is a food additive belonging to the category of chemical preservatives. It is a sodium salt of sulfurous acid and appears as an unstable white powder…
E221 Sodium Sulphite
What is the Food Additive E221 ? E221, known as sodium sulfite, is widely used in various industries, including food processing, pharmaceuticals, and manufacturing. E221 is a food additive categorized under chemical preservatives. It is a sodium salt…
How to Treat Seasonal Enterocolitis
    Seasonal enterocolitis is a common condition during the summer and autumn months when high temperatures and the consumption of perishable foods increase the risk of gastrointestinal infections. This condition, characterized by inflammation of the intestinal mucosa,…
How to Maintain Focus at Work During the Summer?
    Summer is the season for vacations, relaxation, and spending time outdoors. However, for those who need to stay in the office and continue working, it can be challenging to maintain focus. Here are some useful tips…