Alcohol kills 2.6 million people every year – InfoCons informs you

A new World Health Organization ( WHO ) report reveals that 2.6 million annual deaths are due to alcohol consumption , representing 4.7% of all deaths , with 2 million among men . Additionally , 0.6 million deaths are attributed to psychoactive drug use , with 0.4 million among men . The report highlights that 400 million people globally have alcohol use disorders , including 209 million with alcohol dependence .

The World Health Organization Director-General emphasizes the severe health and social impacts of substance use , urging bold actions to reduce these consequences and improve treatment accessibility . The report calls for accelerated global efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal ( SDG ) target 3.5 by 2030 .

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Key findings of the report include :

  • Despite some reduction since 2010, alcohol-related deaths remain high, particularly in low-income countries ;
  • In 2019, alcohol led to 1.6 million deaths from noncommunicable diseases and 724,000 from injuries ;
  • Alcohol consumption increased risks for HIV, TB, and other communicable diseases ;
  • The highest alcohol-attributable deaths were among young people aged 20–39 ( 13 % ) .

Alcohol consumption trends showed a slight global decrease , but high levels persist in the European and Americas regions . Heavy episodic drinking is prevalent, especially among men and young people .

The report identifies a significant treatment gap for substance use disorders, with low treatment coverage and limited governmental funding . Stigma and misconceptions hinder treatment efforts .

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To address these issues , World Health Organization outlines eight strategic areas for action :

  • Boost awareness through a unified global advocacy campaign ;
  • Enhance the prevention and treatment capabilities of health and social care systems ;
  • Expand training programs for health professionals ;
  • Reaffirm commitment to the Global Alcohol Action Plan 2022-2030, emphasizing the SAFER package ;
  • Speed up international initiatives on capacity-building and knowledge sharing ;
  • Involve civil society organizations, professional associations, and individuals with lived experience ;
  • Upgrade multi-level monitoring systems and enhance research capabilities ;
  • Increase resource mobilization, allocation, and innovative funding mechanisms to strengthen the capacity of health and social systems .

Therefore , InfoCons supports consumers through the European InfoCons App , a useful tool available in 33 languages, which can be downloaded from the stores : App StoreGoogle Play , and App Gallery . To help raise awareness about the impact of alcohol on individuals’ health as consumers , the European InfoCons App’s SOS section allows users to contact local authorities responsible for alcohol and substance consumption regulation if they notice rule violations . This section of the app can also be used offline .

Read also : World No Tabacco Day with the European InfoCons App

Additionally, the European InfoCons App provides consumers with useful information such as:


Source : World Health Organization ( WHO )


InfoCons – European Organization for Consumer Protection and Promotion of Programs and Strategies , a full member of the World Organization Consumers International , founding member of the Federation of Consumer Associations , and member of ANEC .

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